Prof. Yukwon Jeon
Yonsei University
Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering
Office : #306 Baekwoon Building
Tel. : +82-33-760-2466
E-mail :
∙ 2009-2015 Ph.D. (Combined Course with M.Sc.) in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Yonsei University, Rep. of Korea.
(Advisor: Prof. Yong-Gun Shul)
∙ 2003-2008 B.A. in Chemical Engineering, Chungnam National University, Rep. of Korea
∙ 2023-Current Associate Professor, Yonsei University, Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Rep. of Korea
∙2019-2023 Assistant Professor, Yonsei University, Department of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Rep. of Korea
∙ 2016-2019 Research Fellow, University of St Andrews, School of Chemistry, UK. (Advisor: Prof. John T.S. Irvine)
∙ 2015-2016 Post-doctoral Fellow, Engineering Research Institute, Rep. of Korea.
∙ (Award) The Best Research Award on Catalysis form KIche, 2015, Rep. of Korea.
∙ (Committee) The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (Kangwon Branch)
∙ (Committee) The Korean Institute of Chemical Engineers (Separation Technology)
∙ (Committee) The Korean Society for New and Renewable Energy (H2 Fuel cells)
∙ A review on non-noble metal catalysts for glycerol hydrodeoxygenation to 1,2-propanediol with and without external hydrogen, Green chemistry, 2022
∙ Platinum incorporation into titanate perovskites to deliver emergent active and stable platinum nanoparticles,
Nature Chemistry, 2021.
∙ Light Cycle Oil Source for Hydrogen Production through Autothermal Reforming using Ruthenium doped Perovskite,
Catalysts, 2020.
∙ Core-Shell Nanostructured Heteropoly acid-functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks: Bifunctional Heterogeneous
Catalyst for Efficient Biodiesel Production, Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2019.
∙ Oxide–Carbon Nanofibrous Composite Support for a Highly Active and Stable Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel-Cell
Catalyst, ACS Nano, 2018.
∙ Corn-cob like Nanofibres as Cathode Catalysts for an Effective Microstructure Design in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells,
Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2017.
∙ Three-dimensional Arrangements of Perovskite-type Oxide Nano-fiber Webs for Effective Soot Oxidation,
Applied Catalysis B-Environmental, 2016.
∙ Interface-designed Membranes with Shape-controlled Patterns for High-performance Polymer Electrolyte Membrane
Fuel Cells, Scientific Reports, 2015.
∙ A facile preparation method of surface patterned polymer electrolyte membranes for fuel cell applications,
Journal of Material Chemistry A, 2014.
∙ Hollow Fibers Networked with Perovskite Nanoparticles for H2 Production from Heavy Oil, Scientific Reports, 2013.